When you get an auto loan, you borrow money from a lender to buy a car. You agree to pay back the funds over a set period of time, plus any fees and interest you accrue. Does a car loan build credit or does it cause it to drop? Many consumers will opt for a dealer-financed auto loan because it’s…
Tips for Buying a Car With Bad Credit Bad credit doesn’t have to stand in the way of your new set of wheels, but you’ll have to shop a little differently and be prepared. Your credit history is a big factor in getting approved for a car loan. Not only that, your credit card will affect the interest cost you…
Is it a good idea to finance a car? ml financial group, llc. 36% of car buyers took out a finance agreement because they couldn’t afford to purchase a car otherwise according to AutoTrader. Financing a car spreads the cost of an expensive item over several months making it more affordable. Before signing on the dotted line, you agree an…